Friday, January 29, 2010

Getting Started

Well this is it - my first attempt at blogging. Let see how it goes. I've thought about starting a blog for quite some time, but always felt that I didn't have anything important enough to say. I think I've finally found something about which I can speak with some authority - what I'm reading. Yes, dear reader, I am going to discuss books I'm reading, books I've read, books I liked and books I hated. Perhaps I'll even get some suggestions.

So, what am I reading now? I'm reading The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. How sad is that. My first blog entry will be about a Dan Brown book. I haven't finished the book yet, but so far I am finding it fairly cringeworthy. I am willing to give most books a chance, but this one is pretty bad. I can almost see Dan Brown sitting down to write his latest "thriller" with screenwriters at his shoulder. I'm confident that a movie will be made of this before too long.

I usually enjoy thrillers, but there is really nothing thrilling about The Lost Symbol. The plot twists can be seen coming from a mile away. I don't want to give anything away, because you may still want to read it, but I can't really say that there were any surprises. Robert Langdon receives a mysterious message, there is a damsel in distress, lots of mysterious symbols that only he can decipher, an insane and odd looking bad guy (this time he's tattooed instead of an albino), and a mysterious organization. If you've read The Da Vinci Code or Angels and Demons you've read The Lost Symbol.

On the upside, I'm thrilled to be reading this just before taking a trip to Washington. Reading about all the DC landmarks just a few weeks before visiting makes me want to go all the more. Reading about the Capital, whether the secret rooms exist or not, increases my excitement for going. The plot revolves around someone high up at the Smithsonian Institution, so it will mean even more when my darling husband I and get there. See, there's definitely a good part to reading The Lost Symbol. I doubt that I'll try to join the Eastern Star, but I will enjoy my trip to Washington.

Well, I think I will sign off now. I'm thinking my next post will be a list of my least favourite books.


  1. What a fantastic review! Welcome to the world of blogging - can't wait to read more of your posts :)

  2. To be honest, I wasn't too excited about The Lost Symbol. The only thing that these books have done (right) is get people interested in learning the actual history of these world landmarks or texts. I believe the entire Da Vinci Code was based off The Gospel of Thomas (I believe that was the Gospel's name), and it's not a huge church conspiracy.

    Anywho...welcome to the world of blogging, Sarah! :D
